When is GRIT Adventure and GRIT Explorer Camp?
GRIT Adventure Camp will run from June 10th to September 6th, 2024
We provide the flexibility that parents need. Choose by the day or week, or stay for the whole summer! No minimum number of weeks is required. GRIT offers the flexibility of a Full-Day Camp or Half-Day Camp as well.
Will my child be with others their age?
GRIT focuses on providing kids with an awesome, safe summer day camp experience where they can make lifelong friends ships.
At GRIT we group our campers by age into "Teams" of the same age and ability. If your child is coming with a friend, please let us know so we can make sure they are on the same team.
How much time will my child spend outdoors?
This is a fun question.
During the pandemic it meant, "you're not putting my camper indoors right? "
Then it got hot, and we forgot COVID, and suddenly everyone wanted to make sure their child was in air conditioning and not in the heat.
Lets be clear.
We have a philosophy at GRIT and it's about creating what Summer Camp is really about.
Like when we were growing up.
Summer camp is meant to be outdoors.
It's about making friends, learning new things, being challenged and most of all enjoying the outdoors.
But what about if it gets really hot?
First of all, each of our GRIT BASE CAMP locations is well-ventilated and air-conditioned.
We plan our schedule based on the weather forecast. Our goal is to set off for planned daily adventures to local parks and sports fields, weather permitting, first thing in the morning with indoor activities (basketball, swimming, arts & crafts etc) in the afternoon as the heat rises.
Moreover, all of our coaches travel with first aid kits and are trained in basic first aid and how to identify heat-related issues. Most of our coaches are Red Cross certifed as well.
SAFTEY FIRST - Adventures as a team
On the first day of camp, all full-week campers will receive a GRIT Summer Camp T-Shirt (you can buy extras if you wish). All campers are asked to wear their GRIT Summer Camp t-shirts each day as well as appropriate attire based on the weather. For campers who drop in or forget their Camp Shirts we have a GRIT Pinny that kids wear when on adventures outdoors.
What happens if it rains?
Rain or shine we are here to stay!
GRIT has a large, air-conditioned and well venilated gym and activity spaces if the weather is bad!
Dont worry we have plenty to keep them active, busy and happy!
Just a wee bit of rain, we might just go out for a hike! So make sure to pack a cheap, simple rain poncho in your childs backpack!
What types of educational programs are you offering?
We believe in a strong mind and a strong body.
Our educational partner, JEI Learning of Jersey City, is a well-respected academic enrichment program with over 1000 locations globally. We love their personalized approach to learning focused on mastering concepts vs. rote learning. Campers will take a JEI diagnostic test to determine their English and math strengths and weaknesses, and a copy of the report will be sent home to parents.
Each week, campers will spend time as part of their organized activities working on their academics, focusing on a rotating selection including English, math, reading & writing, and critical thinking. Weekly programs at GRIT include writing a story, competing in a mini-math Olympiad, practicing how to speak in public, or competing in a chess tournament.
Every camper will also receive a free JEI Math Diagnostic that will provide a comprehensive assessment of their strengths and weaknesses vs their current grade level.
What types of snacks and lunch do you provide?
At GRIT we are all staying active and teaching how to eat and be healthy!
We encourage parents to pack healthy snacks and lunches for their campers and also provide an third-party service.
You can pack and send your camper with their own snacks or lunch or order lunch through our vendor, Simply Gourmet (www.simplygourmetlunches.com). They have a wide variety of food choices and are an excellent option for busy parents with customizable menus. Each camper's food is individually made, heated, wrapped in an ecologically friendly container, and delivered right before lunchtime to each of our locations.
Please note that we are a nut-free environment with some campers who are allergic, so please do not pack peanut butter or other nut-based snacks. We have plenty of water on site and ask that parents send their children with a refillable water container labeled with their names for them to use.
And don't forget FAB Fun Fridays filled with a feast! And PIZZA!
Can I pay by check or cash?
Our provider charges a processing fee for all credit card processing.
If you want to purchase camp by check or cash, just let us know by emailing us at info@gritsportstraining.com, and we will help you register your campers!
How many coaches do you have? What is the ratio of Coaches to Campers?
GRIT Adventure & Explorer Camps are State of New Jersey-Licensed camps. We complete a rigorous state inspection annually and exceed all requirements. GRIT always exceeds the NJ Dept of Health Camp guidelines (N.J.A.C 8:25:3.2) which can be viewed on the NJ Dept of Health's Camp Staffing Guidelines.
Our staff is First Aid, AED, and Safety Certified, and we are a member of the American Camp Association - the only camp in Hudson County to go through this additional training and certification.
The ratio is 8:1 representing two camp coaches and 15 campers in each group. There are additional coaches, CITs ( coaches in training), and support staff.
We are a family-run business. Our three camp directors have been with GRIT since we opened five years ago. We employ college students and athletes as coaches, local high school kids (and former GRIT athletes) as Coaches in Training (CITs), and always have more than the required number on hand, given our focus on providing a safe and fun camp experience. We train our coaches on camp operations, first aid, safety, emergencies, and, most importantly, how to be a great coach!
Do I have to sign up for the whole summer?
GRIT believes in flexibility. You have a busy summer, and we are here to help!
Come for the day, stay for the week, or the entire summer! It's up to you!
GRIT is open the day school lets out until the day your child goes back to school.
Unlike other camps, GRIT offers a flexible program at both its GRIT ADVENTURE CAMP and GRIT EXPLORER CAMP allowing parents to choose the days or weeks that best fit their schedule! Full day and or Half Day options for both camps!
Please note, however, that we only provide swimming lessons to those campers who are signed up by the week due to the need to plan travel and provide certified swimming instruction for all campers.
Does my child get a GRIT Camp Shirt?
GRIT Camp shirts are treasured by our young campers. We provide one t-shirt per camper for those campers who book for a week or more of camp.
Drop-in campers who sign up for single or random days are provided with GRIT Pinnys to wear on our adventures.
Parents can, of course, purchase GRIT Camp Shirts from GRIT or by visiting our GRIT Gear Store for all types of GRIT merchandise.
Tell me more about the SWIM Program
All Campers 6+ years old will swim twice a week @ NJCU*
GRIT has partnered with NJCU to provide not only a great summer day camp experience to residents of Jersey City's West Side but also swimming instruction and free swim periods to all of our weekly campers.
The program consists of 45 minutes of swim training and then one hour of open swim. Campers are divided by skill level and all are provided personal attention to improve their swimming abilities.
* Note- The NJCU swim program begins the last week in June and runs through August 23rd. It is not available every week GRIT is open due to NJCU programming schedule and campers must be 6+ years old and must be full-day/ weekly campers to participate. Half Day Campers or Drop-ins can join for an additional $100 per session ( this covers the bus trip and lesson fees).
Campers Ages 3-5 yrs old will have special Water Play sessions every Tuesday and Thursday at the Morris Square Park or a local Splashpad.
What time does Camp start & end?
Our Camp Day starts at 9am.
Families may drop their campers off early beginning at 8:30am at no additional charge.
The camp day ends at 4:30pm
GRIT offers Before Care starting at 8AM and AfterCare Monday - Friday from 4:30-6:00pm for an additional charge.
Do you offer transportation to or from camp?
Our GRIT Explorer Camp and GRIT Adventure Camp are both conveniently located within a 10 minute walk from the PATH GROVE Street and Marin Blvd Light Rail Station.
We do not offer private transportation to and from camp.
Can I see photos of my camper while they are at camp?
The GRIT Camp App provides daily camp schedules, upcoming events, reminders, and a daily photo album for each camp team that you can access at any time.
We also post on our social media sites and encourage you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @grit_jc
Does my three year old have to sleep during rest at Explorer camp
No, your son does not have to sleep during the rest period. Each child will be provided a rest space. Light music and/or a story will be played during this time, and campers have the option to rest, nap, color or read a book quietly.
Do you apply sunscreen?
Sunscreen is applied before going outside each time. We encourage you to apply sunscreen before campers arrive . GRIT provides sunscreen and encourages families to send sunscreen labeled with their campers name as well. Coaches will help apply sunscreen and will wear gloves.
Does my camper need to be potty trained for Explorer Camp?
Yes. Fully toilet-trained campers must be able to do the following without adult assistance and minimal adult prompting:
Be accident-free in regular underwear ( ie. not training pants or disposal pull-ups) for a two-week daytime period
Recognize and be able to tell a coach in words that they must use the bathroom BEFORE they have to go.
Hold their bathroom needs until they can get to the bathroom from the gym or playground.
Able to get up and down off the toilet mostly independently.
Wipe themselves after using the bathroom
Flush the toilet
Wash/Dry their hands
Are you licenced?
GRIT Adventure & Explorer Camps are State of New Jersey Licensed Camps in Jersey City.
We complete a rigorous state inspection annually and meet and exceed all NJ Department of Health Camp requirements.
Our staff is First Aid, AED, and Safety Certified, and all staff must go through a rigorous NJ State Police Background Check.
You Asked, We Answered
Passionate camp counselors & directors

Looking for a fantastic LOCAL summer camp experience... right in downtown Jersey City?
We are parents too and want to keep our kids safe and healthy while giving them a great outdoor but local summer camp experience! One that's super fun and also provides them with the mental enrichment that kids need.
That's why we are offering an ACTIVE, OUTDOOR, FUN, and LOCAL Day Camp, all designed to fit your level of comfort!
We appreciate your trust and pledge that we will do everything we can to provide a safe and fun summer camp experience for your children.
Below is a list of frequently asked questions. Did we miss encourage you to email, text or call us if you wish to speak in person? We are all in this together!
Ready for CAMP? Please read our Welcome Kit and Parents Guide!